Massage info



Since ancient times massage has been a widespread treatment among populations all around the world. The word massage comes from the Greek massein, which means "modeling / kneading", or from the Arabic mass / mash, which is "rubbing", and refers to the typical gestures that the therapist performs with their hands on the body.

Massage therapy can be practiced both in rehabilitative contexts (such as physiotherapy), and within the area of holistic medicine or beauty treatments.

Origins of Massage
The origins of this practice are very ancient and the first written statements regarding massage were found in the Chinese text called Kong Fou, dated 2698 BC, which lists different types of massage and a series of physical exercises designed to restore the perfect psychophysical balance.
Another historical documentation comes from India, the birthplace of yoga: in the sacred text Ayurveda (about 1,700 BC) Brahma encourages his disciples to practice massage for hygienic purposes.
We find references to massage in many ancient civilizations, such as Japanese, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, and Roman, where it was very common to receive these treatments in order to promote healing from trauma, contractures, disease and to reduce general fatigue.
Currently, it is possible to divide massage into four different limbs, according to the specific therapeutic indications:

  • Massage therapy: aimed at solving specific problems relating to pathologies, functional deficits or specific organs;
  • Beauty massage: its purpose is to contrast skin blemishes and reduce signs of aging at the level of the dermis and hypodermis;
  • Holistic massage: attention is focused on the overall well-being of the individual, from the physical, mental and spiritual point of view;
  • Sports massage: aimed at improving athletic performance and promoting muscle recovery.


Benefits and Contraindications of Massage
Massage is a 100% natural treatment and can be done with the application of oils and ointments.
It can provide many benefits for the whole body, including:

  • relaxation and stress reduction;
  • bright and healthy skin;
  • loosening of muscular tensions;
  • lymphatic stimulation;
  • drainage of liquids;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • lowering of pressure;
  • improved digestion;
  • improved oxygenation of the tissues;
  • increased respiratory capacity.

Although massage does not generally present contraindications, there are some special circumstances in which it is advisable to refrain from undergoing a treatment, such as postoperative recovery, necrosis, central nervous system disorders, neoplasms, skin abrasions, fever, inflammation, infections, varicose veins or recent osteoarticular trauma.


Massage Techniques and Types
As previously noted, massage is a widespread treatment on a global scale and each population has developed, over time, different methods of massage. There are, however, some techniques that have been widely spread and still nowadays are among the most appreciated systems of treatments:

  • Swedish massage
    This is a type of basic massage, very popular in the USA. It is carried out through long manipulations and deep kneading, aimed to reactivate the muscles and circulation.

  • Ayurvedic
    Technique of Indian origin and based on the same principles of yoga. Ideal for promoting relaxation, while working on the stimulation of the immune system, the circulatory system and flexibility.

  • Shiatsu
    A discipline of Japanese origin that uses acupressure along specific trigger points to reactivate the body meridians and release blocked energy flows.

  • Thai massage
    Similar in many aspects to Shiatsu, as both are focused on energy meridians, Thai massage uses a vast range of friction and compression techniques to energize the body and improve joint mobility.

  • Connective Massage (Myofascial or Deep Tissue)
    Technique that acts on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, with slow but intense manipulation. Excellent as a decontracting massage and for the treatment of chronic pain due to previous traumas or incorrect posture.

  • Plantar reflexology
    Relaxing type of massage dedicated to the feet. Based on the Eastern concept that every part of the sole and toes is connected to one of the internal organs, whose stimulation would therefore allow the alleviation of problems relating to the reflex zone.

Furthermore, there is Hot Stone Massage, which includes the application of pleasantly heated stones, aromatherapy massage, based on the therapeutic properties of essential oils, and Tuina, of Chinese origin.

Massage allows you to take refuge in an island of relaxation, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Discover our treatments and take a break of well-being, to regenerate and fully regain all your energy.


AYURVEDIC: 50 minutes - € 60,00  //  80 minutes - € 80,00
According to the ancient tradition of Ayurvedic Medicine, Abhyangam massage is considered one of the most effective techniques for restoring the relationship between mind, body and soul. The therapist performs deep strokes alternating with light friction and percussion, using different kinds of warm oils. The benefits are many: it promotes the elimination of toxins; improves lymphatic, venous and arterial circulation; it is particularly suitable for those suffering from insomnia; regulates intestinal functions; decreases premenstrual disorders; loosens muscle and joint tensions; improves skin tone while maintaining proper hydration; helps restore harmony by rebalancing the nervous system.

YOGA AYURVEDICO: 50min - €60 // 80min - €80
Considered a true self-rehabilitating technique, it’s roots can be traced to the teacher Kusum Modak, disciple of the famous yogi B.K.S. Iyengar, founder of the eponymous style of Yoga. 
This treatment allows you to fully benefit from the qualities of both disciplines: improved overall balance of the body, the realignment of muscular tension and the alleviation of stress.

The practice involves classic Ayurvedic massage techniques in conjunction with assisted (passive) Yoga stretches. Ayurvedic Yoga massage stimulates the deep muscles and joints, reactivating the circulatory system, the lymphatic system and improving the body’s efficiency in eliminating toxins.

SHIATSU: 50min - €60 // 80min - €80
The term Shiatsu is derived from the union of the ideograms shi and atsu, or "finger" and "pressure". The etymology of the word best expresses the essence of this oriental discipline, which is the acupressure applied along the meridians and on the key energetic points present on the human body.
The pressures and manipulations are exerted by the tori (operator) on the uke (the one who undergoes the treatment) not only through the fingertips, but also using elbows, knees and palms of the hands.
The goal of Shiatsu is to trigger the process of self-healing in the human body through the dissolution of energy blocks, restoring the free flow of ki (vital energy).

KOBIDO: 50min - €60 
This massage comes from an ancient and traditional Japanese massage therapy, energetic and delicate at the same time, it reactivates the microcirculation of the fascia, promoting oxygenation and cell turnover. The techniques used are able to give tone, elasticity and brightness to the skin, producing a natural lifting effect. Kobido massage allows you to relieve unwanted effects related to anxiety and stress, beneficial for bruxism and migraines, producing a sense of well-being and relaxation throughout the body.

DEEP TISSUE: 50min - €60 // 80min - €80

The treatment involves manipulations performed with firmness but with a constant and delicate touch, to facilitate the dissolution of contractures without causing discomfort or pain to those who receive the massage. The loosening of the "nodes" that are formed at the level of the connective tissue restores physiological blood circulation, promoting greater elasticity and reducing muscular inflammation.
The therapist uses fingertips, knuckles, palms, elbows and forearms to reach and effectively act on the muscle layers that are generally not reached during common manipulations, such as in Swedish Massage.
The breaking of the adhesions and loosening of the critical points is often assisted by a deep and rhythmic breathing, carried out by the client under the specific direction of the masseur.

THAI CLASSICO E CON OLIO: 50min - €60 // 80min - €80

The concept on which Thai Massage is based is akin to the principles of Ayurvedic Massage and Shiatsu, in which the human body is crossed by about 70,000 channels (called sen) through which the vital energy, or prana, flows.

According to the tradition linked to this treatment, the various psychophysical disorders are caused by an imbalance or stagnation in the circulation of prana. It is therefore possible, through specific compressions and acupressure, to stimulate its correct circulation and rebalance the structure of the whole body.

Thai massage is practised on the ground, lying on a firm mattress. Traditionally it does not include the use of oils, however in recent decades there has been a prolific dissemination of schools that promote a less rigid vision of the practice and allow the therapist to use ointments and aromatherapy essences to maximise the effectiveness of the treatment. Thai massage, in addition to pressure, touch and kneading, also involves the use of traction and stretching techniques, carried out by the masseur by holding the wrists and ankles.

Pindasweda is an Ayurvedic treatment, recommended in cases of contractures or joint tensions. This treatment is performed with bags of hot medicinal herbs; the heat of the pads allows the pores of the skin to open up and to better absorb the functional substances of the herbs. The bags are passed warm on the body, and are held for a few minutes on the points to be treated, such as joints or contracted muscles. Their heat penetrates immediately, spreading a pleasant sensation. This treatment provides several benefits such as preventing and soothing rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, muscle and joint pain, and helps our body to sweat, thus eliminating toxins and impurities. It also reduces swelling due to the mobilisation of liquids.

NEERA ABYANGAM - lymphatic drainage: 60 minutes - € 80,00
This technique helps to lose inches of circumference by restoring the proper balance of fluids in the body. Ayurveda uses a wonderful technique of relaxing massage, which can be described as a light dance on the body, to restore the circulation of liquids and help the body to drain them properly.

SHIRODARA: 60 minutes - € 90,00 // 80 minutes - €110
The king of ayurvedic treatments. Rebalancing treatment with a continuous drop of warm oil on the forehead, after an Ayurvedic massage of 30 or 50 mins. Indicated for disorders related to the nervous system, stress, insomnia, panic attacks, psoriasis etc.

UBATANA ANTIAGE: 50 minutes - € 60,00
Beauty treatment for the face and décolleté, with a mixture of herbs, flours, spices and essential oils. It smoothes and brightens the skin.

MARMA ABYANGAM: 50 minutes - € 60,00  //  80 minutes - € 80,00
With this treatment we stimulate the vital points of the body: Marma Points. It harmonises and rebalances the functioning of the body, strengthens the immune system and works on the subtle energy (Prana).

Flour and medicated oil compresses are used, tailored to the imbalance.
One of the most common is the one on the back, indicated in case of contractions, rigidity, disc herniation, sciatica, joint pain and neuralgia. It can also be applied to the abdomen, neck, knees, eyes and forehead.

"The human body is a temple and as such it must always be cared for and respected"

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